Sunday Sounds – 6 tracks to make your day – February

(Photo above: Elsa Åborg)

Looking for the perfect soundtrack to your Sunday? Then check out these new releases!

Want to have your music featured? Then drop us an email on one of these below. 

Oh, and we LOVE being sent ACTUAL, REAL, PHYSICAL music, so drop us a line if you want to make our day. 


Small Forward – Kind of Funny 

This dreamy, sunny, dazy Sunday morning kind of song comes courtesy of LA bedroom pop band Small Forward. Listen to it, love it, live it.


Brandon Hoogenboom – Feelin’

“Feelin’” is an upbeat, summery rocker from Brandon Hoogenboom, showcasing an immediately accessible sound from this rising artist, known previous for his time in Australia with the group Set Sail. The track precedes his new solo album, releasing in January 2019


BatWhaleDragon – The Sweet Smell Of Bridges Burnt

Time to head in a completely different but equally chill direction with the relaxing electro tones of BatWhaleDragon who define this kind of music as ‘Vaporwave’. The track is taken off their new album Zoa Constrictor which is out now.


Elsa Åborg – I Cave

A relaxing song in the traditional singer-songwriter style next from Swedish artist Elsa Åborg, who is one out of seven in the psychedelic musical collective Svarta Hålet (The Black Hole)


Fjord – My Body So Calm

A little more upbeat but still encapsulating and perfect to escape to is ‘My Body So Calm’ by Quebec City-based duo Fjord which is taken off their 2nd EP Shallow Waters.


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Being A Person, the new single from Exoskeleton’s For Children, has become something of a fan-favourite at live gigs for Austrian artist Sqaulloscope. There’s always someone singing along to or asking for it. Squalloscope wrote this song as an acoustic hug for their own audience, and so it made sense to make the video in the same fashion. So she launched a call to her audience and after one and a half months she had more than enough videos of friends, acquaintances, and a bunch of hitherto completely unknown people from anywhere between Poland and Brazil in her mailbox. The rest, as they say, is history.


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Listen to the tracks in our playlist in full here

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